Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Lab 6

YDL National Bank wants to develop a program that can help the customer to calculate the monthly installment. The program should be able to receive two inputs from the customer, which are the amount of loan in Ringgit Malaysia and year of installment. Based on these two inputs, the program should therefore be able to calculate the monthly installment. The table for the interest calculation is provided as follows:

Year < 5, interest 4.5%
Year >= 5, interest 6.5

The formulas for the monthly installment calculation are as follows:

Interest (RM) = Interest (%) x amount of loan
total loan with interest = amount of loan + interest (RM)
monthly installment = total loan with interest / (year of installment x 12)

Nova Hypermarket in your town wants to organize an annual sale. The owner of the hypermarket wants you to help him to develop a program that helps the cashier to calculate and display the payment after discount. The table for the discount is provided as follows:
Amount RM >= 5, discount 5%
Amount RM < 5, no discount

The formulas for the calculation are as follows:
Discount (RM) = Discount (%) x Amount (RM)
Payment after discount = amount (RM) – discount (RM)

SSY Co Ltd is one of the finance companies. This company wants you to develop a program which helps up in calculating the bonus for its employees. The bonus will be calculated based on the performance mark of the employee. Your program should be able to receive performance mark from the user and display the bonus to the user as well. The table for the bonus is provided as follows:
6 <= Mark <= 10 , Bonus RM2,000
< 6, Bonus RM1,000

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