Providing your website good Online Help will improve customer service, reduce costs and boost conversion rates. Here are some tips to help you implement this online help successfully so that you can benefit from all its advantages.
1) Choose a natural language based help-desk and, if necessary, make it multilingual. Provide your audience with a platform that is fast, easy to search on and offers the best results.To do this you need a search engine that understands how people really communicate. It takes out the guess work technology that keyword uses. Semantic search systems allow users to pose questions in natural real world language and, unlike keyword-based search engines, the results displayed are always appropriate and relevant. If you have a website serves a global community, it is a good idea to offer online help in all the available languages, so all people from all cultures can equally benefit.Semantic search allows the system to understand the underlying meaning of user queries and not just finding the literal words in the sentence, thus offering much more suitable results than the ones obtained with a keyword-based search engine.
2) Don't manually or individually work on content pieces to ensure visibility. You can obtain optimal linguistic results with much lesser effort and time. Use a natural language platform that permits automatic indexation of your knowledge base so you don't have to manually work with each content piece for site optimization and visibility.
3) Build a first version of your knowledge base from the existing contents on your website and offer it as an online help solution. If you already have an FAQ section on your website, informative material, or a corporate time-line at Twitter, then you already have an initial content to start building your Online Help Desk. If you have FAQs they are a useful tool to answer common doubts for users.To create real time answers that can only be added quickly to your online help,connect it with your Twitter profile. With your new tweets connected to your knowledge base, thanks to a real-time indexation, you wont miss important information, and you'll be able to give relevant answers from a right now approach.
4) Using an avatar with your online help may not be the best first approach to Self-Service. An avatar from the very beginning may not have enough content from your knowledge base to operate optimally. These natural language based online help systems "learn" to understand user queries better and better, so the efficiency in the answers increases gradually. We recommend you wait until you reach a 90% of efficiency in your answers before using an avatar. People seldom give second chances. The reaction of users to avatars that do not properly understand queries is much more negative and disappointing in customer experience than if they were asking in a simple text box.
5) Create an integrated solution for customer service. If your customer service has an online chat,form, or e-mail address, you can integrate Self-Service elements in your online help. Not all problems users have can be solved by means of a virtual assistant, some of them need personalized customer care. We recommend merging online help to chats and forms so people don't have to type their queries twice. Then using a virtual assistant as the gateway to all our customer service, unanswered question can be sent to chat agents or customer care forms, for an individualized assistance.
6) Create content according to people's real search needs. Use the natural language platform and its logs with all user queries so you can find out new doubts that you're not answering yet. This is a good way to learn which content and FAQs should be created so you can make the best investment in writing new content.
7) Check the reports! Online help platforms offer valuable statistical reports with great amounts of information to improve the system: amount of users who type a query, weekly amount of user questions, number of contents in the knowledge base, contents that received most clicks, contents that were never clicked at all, either because they are too generic or too specific... Periodically checking these reports will help you improve your knowledge base and to offer a better online help to your users.
8) Integrate marketing and self-service to boost your conversion rate. Integrating your online help and self-service within the general usability concept of your website will favor an improvement in conversion rate of queries and sales. If you promote this, people in charge of customer care and those in charge of marketing can work together, and your online help can easily become a selling tool.
9) Improve your SEO using your online help services. Online help can create higher ranks on search engines' results pages and foster more people to visit your website. We have some SEO Tools that allow you to create content based on actual user questions and vocabulary to suit the different wordings that people use when they type. When your content is later crawled by popular search engines it will help bring more visitors ready to find out how you can help them.
10) Write clear, concise and self-explanatory FAQs. If a title is not clear enough, users might never click on it. The objective of an FAQ should be to provide an answer to a wide amount of user questions with clear, concise and self-explanatory titles that cover several problematic cases. Good FAQs are the key to achieving a higher click-through for online help. Bear in mind that an FAQ should never be too generic nor too specific (covering only a very small amount of hypothetical user questions).
Bonus Tip: It's important to add tables, images, lists and any other complementary information in order to help our users solve their doubts. Taking a look at those FAQs that receive less clicks will give us clues on how to improve our FAQs database.
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