Sunday, March 29, 2015

How not to write a PhD thesis

How not to write a PhD thesis

In this guide, Tara Brabazon gives her top ten tips for doctoral failure
My teaching break between Christmas and the university’s snowy reopening in January followed in the footsteps of Goldilocks and the three bears. I examined three PhDs: one was too big; one was too small; one was just right. Put another way, one was as close to a fail as I have ever examined; one passed but required rewriting to strengthen the argument; and the last reminded me why it is such a pleasure to be an academic.
Concurrently, I have been shepherding three of my PhD students through the final two months to submission. These concluding weeks are an emotional cocktail of exhaustion, frustration, fright and exhilaration. Supervisors correct errors we thought had been removed a year ago. The paragraph that seemed good enough in the first draft now seems to drag down a chapter. My postgraduates cannot understand why I am so picky. They want to submit and move on with the rest of their lives.
There is a reason why supervisors are pedantic. If we are not, the postgraduates will live with the consequences of “major corrections” for months. The other alternative, besides being awarded the consolation prize of an MPhil, is managing the regret of three wasted years if a doctorate fails. Every correction, each typographical error, all inaccuracies, ambiguities or erroneous references that we find and remove in these crucial final weeks may swing an examiner from major to minor corrections, or from a full re-examination to a rethink of one chapter.
Being a PhD supervisor is stressful. It is a privilege but it is frightening. We know – and individual postgraduates do not – that strange comments are offered in response to even the best theses. Yes, an examiner graded a magnificent doctorate from one of my postgraduates as “minor corrections” for one typographical error in footnote 104 in the fifth chapter of an otherwise cleanly drafted 100,000 words. It was submitted ten years ago and I still remember it with regret.
Another examiner enjoyed a thesis on “cult” but wondered why there were no references to Madonna, grading it as requiring major corrections so that Madonna references could be inserted throughout the script.
Examiners have entered turf wars about the disciplinary parameters separating history and cultural studies. Often they look for their favourite theorists – generally Pierre Bourdieu or Gilles Deleuze these days – and are saddened to find citations to Michel Foucault and Félix Guattari.
Then there are the “let’s talk about something important – let’s talk about me” examiners. Their first task is to look for themselves in the bibliography, and they are not too interested in the research if there is no reference to their early sorties with Louis Althusser in Economy and Society from the 1970s.
I understand the angst, worry and stress of supervisors, but I have experienced the other side of the doctoral divide. Examining PhDs is both a pleasure and a curse. It is a joy to nurture, support and help the academy’s next generation, but it is a dreadful moment when an examiner realises that a script is so below international standards of scholarship that there are three options: straight fail, award an MPhil or hope that the student shows enough spark in the viva voce so that it may be possible to skid through to major corrections and a full re-examination in 18 months.
When confronted by these choices, I am filled with sadness for students and supervisors, but this is matched by anger and even embarrassment. What were the supervisors thinking? Who or what convinced the student that this script was acceptable?
Therefore, to offer insights to postgraduates who may be in the final stages of submission, cursing their supervisors who want another draft and further references, here are my ten tips for failing a PhD. If you want failure, this is your road map to getting there.
1. Submit an incomplete, poorly formatted bibliography
Doctoral students need to be told that most examiners start marking from the back of the script. Just as cooks are judged by their ingredients and implements, we judge doctoral students by the calibre of their sources.
The moment examiners see incomplete references or find that key theorists in the topic are absent, they worry. This concern intensifies when in-text citations with no match in the bibliography are located.
If examiners find ten errors, then students are required to perform minor corrections. If there are 20 anomalies, the doctorate will need major corrections. Any referencing issues over that number and examiners question the students’ academic abilities.
If the most basic academic protocols are not in place, the credibility of a script wavers. A bibliography is not just a bibliography: it is a canary in the doctoral mine.
2. Use phrases such as “some academics” or “all the literature” without mitigating statements or references
Generalisations infuriate me in first-year papers, but they are understandable. A 19-year-old student who states that “all women think that Katie Price is a great role model” is making a ridiculous point, but when the primary reading fodder is Heat magazine, the link between Jordan’s plastic surgery and empowered women seems causal. In a PhD, generalisations send me off for a long walk to Beachy Head.
The best doctorates are small. They are tightly constituted and justify students’ choice of one community of scholars over others while demonstrating that they have read enough to make the decision on academic rather than time-management grounds.
Invariably there is a link between a thin bibliography and a high number of generalisations. If a student has not read widely, then the scholars they have referenced become far more important and representative than they actually are.
I make my postgraduates pay for such statements. If they offer a generalisation such as “scholars of the online environment argue that democracy follows participation”, I demand that they find at least 30 separate references to verify their claim. They soon stop making generalisations.
Among my doctoral students, these demands have been nicknamed “Kent footnotes” after one of my great (post-) postgraduates, Mike Kent (now Dr Kent). He relished compiling these enormous footnotes, confirming the evidential base for his arguments. As he would be the first to admit, it was slightly obsessive behaviour, but it certainly confirmed the scale of his reading. In my current supervisory processes, students are punished for generalisations by being forced to assemble a “Kent footnote”.
3. Write an abstract without a sentence starting “my original contribution to knowledge is…”
The way to relax an examiner is to feature a sentence in the first paragraph of a PhD abstract that begins: “My original contribution to knowledge is…” If students cannot compress their argument and research findings into a single statement, then it can signify flabbiness in their method, theory or structure. It is an awful moment for examiners when they – desperately – try to find an original contribution to knowledge through a shapeless methods chapter or loose literature review. If examiners cannot pinpoint the original contribution, they have no choice but to award the script an MPhil.
The key is to make it easy for examiners. In the second sentence of the abstract, ensure that an original contribution is nailed to the page. Then we can relax and look for the scaffolding and verification of this statement.
I once supervised a student investigating a very small area of “queer” theory. It is a specialist field, well worked over by outstanding researchers. I remained concerned throughout the candidature that there was too much restatement of other academics’ work. The scholarship is of high quality and does not leave much space for new interpretations.
Finally, we located a clear section in one chapter that was original. He signalled it in the abstract. He highlighted it in the introduction. He stressed the importance of this insight in the chapter itself and restated it in the conclusion. Needless to say, every examiner noted the original contribution to knowledge that had been highlighted for them, based on a careful and methodical understanding of the field. He passed without corrections.
4. Fill the bibliography with references to blogs, online journalism and textbooks
This is a new problem I have seen in doctorates over the past six months. Throughout the noughties, online sources were used in PhDs. However, the first cycle of PhD candidates who have studied in the web 2.0 environment are submitting their doctorates this year. The impact on the theses I have examined recently is clear to see. Students do not differentiate between refereed and non-refereed or primary and secondary sources. The Google Effect – the creation of a culture of equivalence between blogs and academic articles – is in full force. When questioned in an oral examination, the candidates do not display that they have the capacity to differentiate between the calibre and quality of references.
This bibliographical flattening and reduction in quality sources unexpectedly affects candidates’ writing styles. I am not drawing a causal link here: major research would need to be undertaken to probe this relationship. But because the students are not reading difficult scholarship, they are unaware of the specificities of academic writing. The doctorates are pitched too low, filled with informalities, conversational language, generalisations, opinion and unreflexive leaps between their personal “journeys” (yes, it is like an episode of The X Factor) and research protocols.
I asked one of these postgraduates in their oral examination to offer a defence of their informal writing style, hoping that the student would pull out a passable justification through the “Aca-Fan”, disintermediation, participatory culture or organic intellectual arguments. Instead, the student replied: “I am proud of how the thesis is written. It is important to write how we speak.”
Actually, no. A PhD must be written to ensure that it can be examined within the regulations of a specific university and in keeping with international standards of doctoral education. A doctorate may be described in many ways, but it has no connection with everyday modes of communication.
5. Use discourse, ideology, signifier, signified, interpellation, postmodernism, structuralism, post-structuralism or deconstruction without reading the complete works of Foucault, Althusser, Saussure, Baudrillard or Derrida
How to upset an examiner in under 60 seconds: throw basic semiotic phrases into a sentence as if they are punctuation. Often this problem emerges in theses where “semiotics” is cited as a/the method. When a student uses words such as “discourse” and “ideology” as if they were neutral nouns, it is often a signal for the start of a pantomime of naivety throughout the script. Instead of an “analysis”, postgraduates describe their work as “deconstruction”. It is not deconstruction. They describe their approach as “structuralist”. It is not structuralist. Simply because they study structures does not mean it is structuralist. Conversely, simply because they do not study structures does not mean it is poststructuralist.
The number of students who fling names around as if they are fashion labels (“Dior”, “Derrida”, “Givenchy”, “Gramsci”) is becoming a problem. I also feel sorry for the students who are attempting a deep engagement with these theorists.
I am working with a postgraduate at the moment who has spent three months mapping Michel Foucault’s Archaeology of Knowledge over media-policy theories of self-regulation. It has been frustrating and tough, creating – at this stage – only six pages of work from her efforts. Every week, I see the perspiration on the page and the strain in the footnotes. If a student is not prepared to undertake this scale of effort, they must edit the thesis and remove all these words. They leave themselves vulnerable to an examiner who knows their ideological state apparatuses from their repressive state apparatuses.
6. Assume something you are doing is new because you have not read enough to know that an academic wrote a book on it 20 years ago
Again, this is another new problem I have seen in the past couple of years. Lazy students, who may be more kindly described as “inexperienced researchers”, state that they have invented the wheel because they have not looked under their car to see the rolling objects under it. After minimal reading, it is easy to find original contributions to knowledge in every idea that emerges from the jarring effect of a bitter espresso.
More frequently, my problem as a supervisor has been the incredibly hardworking students who read so much that they cannot control all the scholarly balls they have thrown into the air. I supervise an inspirational scholar who is trying to map Zygmunt Bauman’s “liquid” research over neoconservative theory. This is difficult research, particularly since she is also trying to punctuate this study with Stan Aronowitz’s investigations of post-work and Henry Giroux’s research into working-class education. For such students, supervisors have to prune the students’ arguments to ensure that all the branches are necessary and rooted in their original contributions to knowledge.
The over-readers present their own challenges. For our under-readers, the world is filled with their own brilliance because they do not realise that every single sentence they write has been explored, extended, tested and applied by other scholars in the past. Intriguingly, these are always the confident students, arriving at the viva voce brimming with pride in their achievements. They are the hardest ones to assess (and help) through an oral exam because they do not know enough to know how little they know.
Helpful handball questions about the most significant theorists in their research area are pointless, because they have invented all the material in this field. The only way to create an often-debilitating moment of self-awareness is by directly questioning the script: “On p57, you state that the academic literature has not addressed this argument. Yet in 1974, Philippa Philistine published a book and a series of articles on that topic. Why did you decide not to cite that material?”
Invariably, the answer to this question – often after much stuttering and stammering – is that the candidate had not read the analysis. I leave the question hanging at that point. We could get into why they have not read it, or the consequences of leaving out key theorists. But one moment of glimpsing into the abyss of failure is enough to summon doubt that their “originality” is original.
7. Leave spelling mistakes in the script
Spelling errors among my own PhD students leave me seething. I correct spelling errors. They appear in the next draft. I correct spelling errors. They appear in the next draft. The night before they bind their theses, I stare at the ceiling, summoning the doctoral gods and praying that they have removed the spelling errors.
Most examiners will accept a few spelling or typographical mistakes, but in a word-processing age, this tolerance is receding. I know plenty of examiners who gain great pleasure in constructing a table and listing all the typographical and spelling errors in a script. Occasionally I do it and then I know I need to get out more.
Spelling mistakes horrify students. They render supervisors in need of oxygen. Postgraduates may not fail doctorates because of them, but such errors end any chance of passing quickly and without corrections. These simple mistakes also create doubt in the examiner’s mind. If superficial errors exist, it may be necessary to drill more deeply into the interpretation, methods or structure chosen to present the findings.
8. Make the topic of the thesis too large
The best PhDs are small. They investigate a circumscribed area, rather than over-egging the originality or expertise. The most satisfying theses – and they are rare – emerge when students find small gaps in saturated research areas and offer innovative interpretations or new applications of old ideas.
The nightmare PhD for examiners is the candidate who tries to compress a life’s work into 100,000 words. They take on the history of Marxism, or more commonly these days, feminism. They attempt to distil 100 years of history, theory, dissent and debate into a literature review and end up applying these complex ideas to Beyoncé’s video for Single Ladies.
The best theses not only state their original contribution to knowledge but also confirm in the introduction what they do not address. I know that many supervisors disagree with me on this point. Nevertheless, the best way to protect candidates and ensure that examiners understand the boundaries and limits of the research is to state what is not being discussed. Students may be asked why they made those determinations, and there must be scholarly and strategic answers to such questions.
The easiest way to trim and hem the ragged edges of a doctorate is historically or geographically. The student can base the work on Belgium, Brazil or the Bahamas, or a particular decade, governmental term or after a significant event such as 11 September 2001. Another way to contain a project is theoretically, to state there is a focus on Henry Giroux’s model of popular culture and education rather than Henry Jenkins’ configurations of new media and literacy. Such a decision can be justified through the availability of sources, or the desire to monitor one scholar’s pathway through analogue and digital media. Examiners will feel more comfortable if they know that students have made considered choices about their area of research and understand the limits of their findings.
9. Write a short, rushed, basic exegesis
An unfair – but occasionally accurate – cliché of practice-led doctorates is that students take three and a half years to make a film, installation or soundscape and spend three and a half weeks writing the exegesis. Doctoral candidates seem unaware that examiners often read exegeses first and engage with the artefacts after assessing if candidates have read enough in the field.
Indeed, one of my students recommended an order of reading and watching for her examiners, moving between four chapters and films. The examiner responded in her report – bristling – that she would not be told how to evaluate a thesis: she always read the full exegesis and then decided whether or not to bother seeing the films. My student – thankfully – passed with ease, but this examiner told a truth that few acknowledge.
Most postgraduates I talk with assume that the examiners rush with enthusiasm to the packaged DVD or CD, or that they will not read a word of the doctorate until they have seen the exhibition. This is the same assumption that inhibits these students in viva voces. They think that they will be able to talk about “art” and “process” for two hours. I have never seen that happen. Instead, the emphasis is placed on the exegesis and how it articulates the artefact.
Postgraduates entering a doctoral programme to make a film or create a sonic installation subject themselves to a time-consuming and difficult process. If the student neglects the exegesis until the end of the candidature and constructs a rushed document about “how” rather than “why” it was made, there will be problems.
The best students find a way to create “bonsai” exegeses. They prepare perfectly formed engagements with theory, method and scholarship, but in miniature. They note word limits, demonstrate the precise dialogue between the exegesis and artefact, and show through a carefully edited script that they hold knowledge equivalent to the “traditional” doctoral level.
10. Submit a PhD with a short introduction or conclusion
A quick way to move from a good doctoral thesis to one requiring major corrections is to write a short introduction and/or conclusion. It is frustrating for examiners. We are poised to tick the minor corrections box, and then we turn to a one- or two-page conclusion.
After reading thousands of words, students must be able to present effective, convincing conclusions, restating the original contribution to knowledge, the significance of the research, the problems and flaws and further areas of scholarship. Short conclusions are created by tired doctoral students. They run out of words.
Short introductions signify the start of deeper problems: candidates are unaware of the research area or the theoretical framework. In the case of introductions and conclusions in doctoral theses, size does matter.
Hope washes over the start of a PhD candidature, but desperation and fear often mark its conclusion. There are (at least) ten simple indicators that prompt examiners to recommend re-examination, major corrections or – with some dismay – failure. If postgraduates utilise these guidelines, they will be able to make choices and realise the consequences of their decisions.
The lessons of scholarship begin with intellectual generosity to the scholars who precede us. Ironically – although perhaps not – candidatures also conclude there.

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  • As a 'member of university staff' (only 0.1FTE!), my university's regulations required me to have TWO external examiners, as well as the internal examiner, for my viva. Sadly, I don't think the two externals saw eye-to-eye on their subject, or maybe had some history of falling-out, and that tension bled over into the viva. It was horrific. They basically tried to out-do each other in pointing out flaws and holes and how their students do it differently (and better), to a large extent disagreeing with each other as well as with my approach, leading to a 4.5-hour viva and a self-contradictory list of required major corrections which took more than a month after the viva to arrive. My favourite part was the assertion that the 4 journal papers already published based on the thesis were not evidence of suitability for publication, despite that being specifically the evidence suggested by my university's PhD regulations. The internal examiner (who mostly kept quiet during the viva) then left the university (and academia) anyway, so will not be looking at my revised thesis, which is due back pretty soon. It's been a dreadful six months of spending every weekend rewriting it, alongside a full-time job. And I'm terrified that they'll reject it again when it comes to it. I don't know what advice I'd give anyone contemplating a PhD (or preparing for the viva), but at least from inside this trench, from my experience, it's been a depressing and upsetting process which has pretty much put me off academia.


Malaysia blessed with oil money, but why is in huge debt?

hutang malaysia lwn norway

by Ng Kee Seng
Can any oil producing country in the world make all her citizens millionaires via prudent management and savings?
Norway achieved that on Jan 8, 44 years after striking oil in the North Sea in 1969. But it only set up its oil sovereign wealth fund (SWF) in 1990, meaning it took the Norwegians only 23 years to be millionaires.
According to a Reuters report, everyone in Norway became a theoretical crown millionaire on Jan 8 in a milestone for the world’s biggest sovereign wealth fund that has ballooned thanks to high oil and gas prices.
The fund owns about one per cent of the world’s stocks, as well as bonds and real estate from London to Boston, making the Nordic nation an exception when others are struggling under a mountain of debts.
A preliminary counter on the website of the central bank, which manages the fund, rose to 5.11 trillion crowns (US$828.66 billion or RM2.7 trillion), fractionally more than a million times Norway’s most recent official population estimate of 5,096,300.
It was the first time it reached the equivalent of a million crowns each, central bank spokesman Thomas Sevang said.
Not that Norwegians will be able to access or spend the money, squirreled away for a rainy day for them and future generations. Norway has resisted the temptation to splurge all the windfall since its oil strike.
Finance Minister Siv Jensen told Reuters the fund, called the Government Pension Fund Global, had helped iron out big, unpredictable swings in oil and gas prices. Norway is the world’s number seven oil exporter.
“Many countries have found that temporary large revenues from natural resource exploitation produce relatively short-lived booms that are followed by difficult adjustments,” she said in an email.
The fund, equivalent to 183 per cent of 2013 gross domestic product, is expected to peak at 220 per cent around 2030.
“The fund is a success in the sense that parliament has managed to put aside money for the future. There are many examples of countries that have not managed that,” said Oeystein Doerum, chief economist at DNB Markets.
Note the key word: Parliament. In Malaysia, only the prime minister has access to national oil producer Petronas’ funds and accounts.
Malaysia is the 27th largest oil producer in the world, rolling out 693,700 barrels/day. Only 114 countries were listed as at 2009 and 2010. Norway rolls out 2,350,000 bbl/day.
What’s the financial position of Malaysia? A federal debt of up to RM800 billion! (as revealed by then Deputy International Trade and Industry Minister Datuk Seri Mukhriz Mahathir at end of 2012).
And do we have such an oil SWF to save for rainy days for the rakyat and country? None.
According to a written reply in Parliament by Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak, Petronas had contributed RM3 billion to the National Trust Fund (or Kwan, the acronym for Kumpulan Wang Amanah Negara) as at June 2011.
He also said the money had been invested in various financial instruments and that Kwan’s fund currently stood at RM5.43 billion.
Just a measly RM5.43 billion compared with Norway’s RM2.7 trillion!
The administration and management of the trust is handled by Bank Negara with a panel under Kwan monitoring the collection of funds.
And, digest this moronic joke: Najib said Kwan was set up to ensure that revenue from dwindling natural resources would benefit future generations.
After 39 years (Petronas was founded in 1974), all we have today is a federal debt of at least RM800 billion, and the international reserves of Bank Negara Malaysia stood at RM441.7 billion (equivalent to US$134.9 billion) as at Dec 31, 2013.
Now, it is clear why the Umno-led Barisan Nasional government is cutting down on subsidies. Its federal debt is so high that it cannot continue to borrow to serve the rakyat as before or Malaysia will go bust like Greece.
It’s time for Malaysians to take stock of the federal government’s lack of transparency and accountability in its financial management of the country’s wealth.
It’s utter nonsense and a disgrace for the 24-year-old Kwan to have a paltry savings of RM5.43 billion, unless Najib now wants to claim that the figure was erroneous and blame it on a scapegoat who prepared the written reply in Parliament.
What can RM5.43 billion (US$1.9 billion) do to help Malaysians and Malaysia during rainy days, like when our oil wells run dry?
Why is there no oil-based SWF for Malaysia?
Petronas is today a global player in oil and gas exploration.
Why is the government just satisfied with an annual RM100 million contribution to Kwan since 1988?
Where has Petronas’ hundreds of billions of ringgit in revenue over the past 38 years gone to?
Did Petronas’ oil and gas exploration presence in 32 countries outside Malaysia also contribute or help facilitate the bulk of the RM1.08 trillion in capital flight in the last decade?
Why avoid establishing an oil-based SWF for the people and country? Is it because financial transparency and accountability would be a pain?
Crude oil and natural gas are Malaysia’s two most abundant resources but their sustainability is being questioned with the country projected to become a net oil importer in a few years.
Now, let’s take a more detailed look on why other oil producing countries are doing better in terms of oil-based or non-commodity-based SWF management:
Kuwait (10th at 2,494,000 bbl/day), Libya (17th at 1,790,000 bbl/day), Kazakhstan (18th at 1,540,000 bbl/day), Algeria (15th at 2,125,000 bbl/day), South Korea (64th at 48,180 bbl/day) and Singapore (82nd at 10,910 bbl/day).
Malaysia’s non-commodity Khazanah Nasional, founded in 1993, is ranked 23rd with US$34 billion (RM110 billion) in assets and a Linaburg-Maduell Transparency Index (LM-TI) of 5.
The world’s largest SWF, Norway’s Pension Fund Global, was in 2009 registered with assets worth US$664.3 billion (RM2 trillion) with a perfect 10 LM-TI.
UAE-Abu Dhabi’s oil-based Abu Dhabi Investment Authority, established in 1976, is ranked second with US$627 billion (RM2 trillion) and a 5 LM-TI.
At third spot, China’s non-commodity SAFE Investment Company, which was founded in 1997, now manages assets worth US$567.9 billion (RM1.8 trillion), with a 4 LM-TI.
That’s the top three SWFs in the world. Now, let’s focus on our neighbours.
Singapore’s non-commodity Government of Singapore Investment Corporation, which was set up in 1981, is ranked 8th with assets at US$247.5 billion (RM802 billion) and a 6 LM-TI.
Following at 9th rank is another Singapore non-commodity SWF, Temasek Holdings, which was established in 1974. It has US$157.5 billion (RM510 billion) in assets and a perfect 10 LM-TI.
Even countries like Kuwait, which was severely damaged by Iraq’s bombing and brief occupation, Libya, Kazakhstan, Algeria and South Korea, which were far poorer than Malaysia in the 60s, 70s and 80s, are all managing their country’s wealth better than Malaysia.
Malaysia’s economic and financial standing is baffling, don’t you think so?

Ng Kee Seng believes that God helps those who help themselves. In a healthy democracy, every Malaysian has a role in politics and nation-building.

Thursday, March 26, 2015

Muslim 'kakaktua' tolak hudud

Hadi: Muslim 'kakaktua' tolak hudud

Ada dalam kalangan umat Islam yang memberi alasan bagi menolak usul persendirian berkaitan undang-undang jenayah dengan menggunakan beberapa perkataan yang berkaitan hukum Islam.

Antaranya menyebut perkataan-perkataan seperti "Siyasah Syari’yyah", "Maqasid Syari’ah", "Fiqh Aulawiyyat", "Maslahah" dan lain-lain.

Ketika membicarakan tajuk yang berat seperti ini, maka tentunya sangatlah tidak manis sekiranya kita menjadi laksana burung kakaktua yang pandai hanya menyebut kalimah yang diajar oleh tuannya.

Namun tetap berstatus binatang tanpa akal tanpa memahami hakikat atau tasawwur daripada perkataan yang diucap. Maka menjelaskan maknanya dengan ilmu yang bersumberkan al-Quran dan as-Sunnah adalah sangat penting.

"Hudud" adalah cabutan daripada salah satu daripada hukum jenayah yang banyak dan menyeluruh. Mungkin sengaja dijadikan hujah yang difikirkan bagi menolak syari’at.

Mereka menganggap hudud paling sesuai dijadikan sasaran kerana pandangan mereka paling ganas, tanpa mengetahui secara detail dan objektif.

Tanpa menyedari pula betapa ganasnya undang-undang ciptaan manusia yang masih dibanggakan, seperti hukuman bunuh secara kuno: menjerut tali ke leher secara menggantung, begitu juga hukuman sebat sehingga menyeksa tanpa kesan mendidik masyarakat.

Penjelasan ini khusus bagi penganut Islam yang jahil tanpa dimaafkan, kerana beriman tanpa ilmu dan tidak berbudiman terhadap agama sendiri, serta tanpa peduli terhadap batas-batas iman dan kufur yang wajib diketahui dan dipelihara secara fardu ‘ain.

Dr Yusuf al-Qardawi dalam kitabnya Taisir al-Fiqh lil Muslim al-Mu'asir di halaman 102 menjelaskan: Terdapat tiga madrasah (pandangan) apabila menghadapi masalah semasa:

1) Kalangan yang berpegang kepada nas juzi’i yang zahir secara jumud tanpa menterjemahkannya secara ijtihad melalui ilmu Siyasah Syariyyah, Usul dan Maqasid.

2) Kalangan yang menyalahgunakan Siyasah Syar'iyyah, Usul dan Maqasid sehingga membelakangi nas yang nyata.

3) Kalangan yang mengambil kira kedua-dua aspek yang penting dalam ilmu Islam.

Nas yang nyata adalah ilmu Allah yang difirmankan atau ucapan Rasulullah SAW yang bersifat ma’sum. Adapun yang lain dari nas yang nyata adalah keizinan Allah bagi ruang ijtihad di kalangan para ulama bagi melaksanakan syariat Islam dengan bijak dan adil, bukannya meninggal syariat Allah dengan alasan sehingga boleh digantikan dengan undang-undang ciptaan manusia yang dianggap lebih baik.

1) Siyasah Syari’yyah

Perkataan "siyasah" daripada bahasa Arab yang bermaksud mentadbir, mengurus dan memandu atau memimpin yang disebut terkini dengan perkataan politik atau pentadbiran atau panduan. Dicampur dengan perkataan Syara’ dengan maksud kaitannya dengan urusan pelaksanaan syariat mengikut jadual, pelaksanaan, dan pengurusan melaksanakan hukum Islam, bukannya meninggalkan hukum Islam untuk diganti dengan yang lain.

(Sila lihat huraian secara khsus dalam kitab Ahkam Sultaniyyah Karangan al-Mawardi dan Ghiath karangan Imam Haramain daripada Mazhab Syafei; al-Sair al-Kabir daripada mazhab Hanafi; Siyasah Syariyyah Ibnu Taimiyyah dan Turuq Hukmiyyah Ibnu Qayyim daripada mazhab Hambali dan Muqaddimah Ibnu Khaldun daripada mazahab Maliki).

Tegasnya ialah melaksanakan Syariat dengan betul, bukannya meninggalkan Syariat Allah dengan gantian hukum yang lain.

2) Maqasid Syari’ah

"Maqasid" bermakna tujuan-tujuan, maksudnya ialah tujuan pelaksanaan syariat. Objektifnya ialah cara mencapai matlamat membawa maslahat kebaikan kepada manusia secara umum dan khusus secara adil dan istiqamah dan menolak kemudaratan.

Di sini pula ada tujuan yang telah ditetapkan oleh syara' dan ada juga yang tidak disebut di mana Allah memberi keizinan mengikut kemampuan akal dan ilmu manusia.

(Kepada yang mampu berbahasa Arab sila rujuk kepada dua tokoh ilmu Maqasid, Al Syatibi dalam kitab Al Muwafaqat, jilid 2, muka surat 391 dan Ibnu ‘Asyur, muka surat 19)

Contohnya, apabila khalifah Umar tidak memotong tangan pencuri di tahun melesetnya ekonomi kerana berlakunya kemarau panjang, dan bukannya kerana meninggalkan hudud, tetapi disebabkan melihat keadaan desakan hidup apabila dibayar gaji yang tidak mencukupi, menjadikan seseorang itu melakukan jenayah secara terdesak.

Maka kerana itu hukuman potong tangan adalah haram dilaksanakan, kerana Hadis Rasulullah SAW: "Hukuman hudud ditolak (kerana adanya syubuhat."

Ditolak hukuman hudud ini pula, bukan bermakna terlepas begitu sahaja. Tetapi hendaklah dipindahkan kepada hukuman takzir yang termasuk dalam ruang syariat Islam. Hukuman hudud tidak boleh dijatuhkan kerana tidak memenuhi syarat yang mencapai adil dan mendidik masyarakat mengikut kemampuan.

Mudarat daripada kemelesetan ekonomi yang menimpa penjenayah adalah lebih besar. Sebaliknya kalau pencuri itu seorang berpendapatan tinggi sudah tentu dihukumkan.

Maqasid Syari’ah tidak bermakna membatalkan penguatkusaan undang-undang hudud. Maqasid Syari’ah dalam hal ini bermakna hukuman tidak boleh dijatuhkan kerana menafikan tindakan secara adil yang menjadi matlamat syariat.

Kalau dijatuhkan hukuman juga, bermakna kita tidak melaksanakan syariat kerana tidak mencapai matlamatnya. Meninggalkan syariat secara total menghilangkan segala maqasidnya.

Contohnya juga ialah mengenai kalimah Allah dibenarkan penggunaannya pada asalnya oleh penganut bukan Islam walau pun salah mengikut penafsiran kita, tetapi apabila tujuan penggunaannya bagi mengelirukan penganut Islam yang jahil, maka pihak berkuasa berkenaan agama Islam berhak menghalangnya. Mengikut kaedah: al-Umur bi Maqasidaha (Semua perkara dilihat juga kepada tujuannya)

3) Fiqh Aulawiyyat

Bermaksud melihat keutamaan secara fiqh (faham mengikut panduan Syariat).

Contohnya Islam meletakkan perkara keperluan rukun hidup bagi manusia ialah memelihara (1) akidah agama, (2) nyawa, (3) akal, (4) keturunan dan (5) harta.

Contohnya tidak dijatuhkan hukuman hudud terhadap pencuri kerana lapar adalah kerana keutamaan memelihara nyawa hendaklah didahulukan daripada memelihara harta.

Hukuman hudud ditangguh dalam keadaan perang kerana menghalang penjenayah melarikan diri kepada musuh, kerana keselamatan negara diutamakan. Bukan bermakna penjenayah dibebaskan, tetapi diturunkan kepada hukuman takzir.

Orang bukan Islam dikecualikan dahulu kerana berdakwah dalam konsep tiada paksaan dalam agama adalah lebih aulawiyyat.

Contohnya juga seperti pengambilan tanah untuk mendirikan hospital atau jalan raya adalah diizinkan kerana kepentingan umum hendaklah didahulukan daripada kepentingan individu atau segelintir, dan hendaklah diganti tanah itu secara yang adil pula.

“Aulawiyyat” itu pula hendaklah dalam ruang lingkup hukum syariat terlebih dahulu, bukannya bermakna meninggalkan hukum syariat.

Apabila segala syarat tidak ada bagi hukum Hudud dan Qisas maka hendaklah dipilih dalam ruang hukum takzir yang sangat luas.

Bukannya melarikan diri kepada hukum ciptaan Barat yang banyak kelemahannya. Perlu disedari bahawa di sana ada juga tidak yang sama dengan undang – undang yang sedia ada, perbezaannya tidak ada roh seperti syariat Islam. (Lihat Dr Yusuf Al Qardhawi dalam Siyasah Syar'iyyah halaman 284-297)

4) Maslahah

“Maslahah” dengan maksud tujuan membawa kebaikan. Sama ada mendapat faedah atau menolak kemudaratan. Para ulama membahagikan maslahat itu kepada tiga kedudukan:

i) Maslahah Mu’atabarah

Ialah dalam perkara yang telah ditetap oleh Allah Yang Maha Mengetahui dan Rahmat terhadap makhluknya. Maka ada yang diwajibkan dan ada pula yang diharamkan. Maka percayalah bahawa semua yang diwajibkan tetap membawa kebaikan dunia dan akhirat. Perkara yang diharamkan tetap mendatang mudarat kepada diri atau masyarakat. Contohnya ialah seperti wajibnya berpuasa kepada yang mampu dan haramnya arak dan judi. Ianya adalah ketetapan Allah SWT.

ii) Maslahah Mulghah

Dalam perkara yang diharamkan kerana mudaratnya lebih besar atau manfaatnya tidak ada .Contohnya seorang yang mencuri atau merompak atau mengedar dadah dengan maslahat mengumpul duit untuk kebajikan atau nafkah keluarga. Maslahat ini dibatalkan kerana mudaratnya sangat besar sehingga menimbus segala kebaikannya.

iii) Maslahah mursalah atau Masoleh mursalah

Dalam perkara yang didiamkan oleh al-Quran dan Hadis maka ruangnya adalah terlalu luas kepada manusia di sepanjang zaman.

Melaksanakan syariat adalah maslahah yang telah ditetapkan oleh Allah Yang Maha Mengetahui dan Penyayang kepada makhluknya.

Isu Enakmen Kanun Jenayah Syariat (KJS) Negeri Kelantan

Isu undang-undang jenayah Syariat menjadi hangat sejak kedatangan penjajah apabila mereka menghapuskannya. Seterusnya menjadi hangat di kalangan umat Islam sendiri kerana kejahilan agama dan pendekatan, sehingga berlakunya isu kafir mengafir dalam masyarakat sendiri kerana kejahilan hukum dan kejahilan cara pendekatan berdakwah.

Apabila keadaan dapat diredakan, maka PAS mengambil langkah ke depan melalui kemenangannya di Kelantan, kemudiannya di Terengganu secara ilmu dan demokratik.

Langkah pertama ialah menubuhkan pasukan daripada parti dan kerajaan. Pasukan ini melibatkan Ketua Dewan Ulama dan kalangan ahli majlis Syura Ulama, Tun Saleh Abas (mantan Ketua Hakim Negara), al-Marhum Prof Ahmad Ibrahim salah seorang pengasas UIA (mantan Ahli Jawatankuasa PAS Pusat tahun lima puluhan daripada Singapura dan mantan Peguam Negara Singapura yang pertama), al-Marhum Dr Mahmud Saedon Awang Osman (dari UIA dan pakar syariah negara Brunei Darussalam), al-marhum Datuk Abdul Halim Muhammad (mantan penasihat undang-undang Kelantan dan exco kerajaan negeri) dan Datuk Daud Mohamad (kadi besar Kelantan).

Sebelum enakmen ini dibawa kepada DUN Kelantan, ia terlebih dahulu dibentangkan kepada umum di berbagai forum – seminar dan dialog. Akhirnya enakmen berkenaan dibawa ke Dewan Undangan Negeri Kelantan pada 1993 dan DUN Terengganu pada 2000.

Manakala Kelantan pula memperkukuhkannya secara mengadakan seminar dan sambutan mengenainya secara tahunan.

Kini setelah lebih dari 20 tahun (dua puluh tahun) PAS memperkenalkan enakmen ini, di samping melaksanakan proses pendidikan mengenai EKJS dalam masyarakat, dialog dan sebagainya.

Maka PAS ingin bergerak setapak lagi dalam proses mendidik masyarakat untuk mengenali hukum-hakam syariat Islam yang menyeluruh. Hasilnya kini suara yang mengeji hukum Islam ini semakin hari menjadi terpencil.

Maka dengan sedikit ruang yang ada ini, Enakmen KJS ini mengalami beberapa pindaan-pindaan memperkemaskannya dengan mengambil kira cabaran dalam perlembagaan dan masyarakat majmuk, tanpa paksaan, dan bagi orang Islam sahaja setelah mengambil kira pandangan para ulama daripada semua mazhab dan sejarah pelaksanaan yang berjaya di sepanjang zaman.

Dalam masa yang sama, apa yang ingin dicadang dan akan dibawa oleh PAS menerusi Private Members Bill (rang undang-undang persendirian) nanti pula bukanlah rang undang-undang hudud, tetapi pindaan dalam Akta Mahkamah Syariah untuk membuka sedikit ruang bagi membolehkan satu-dua aspek syariah itu dilaksanakan terhadap penganut Islam sahaja.

Kita adalah makhluk yang berilmu, bertamadun dan matang. Maka dengarlah dahulu apa yang ingin dikemukakan. Jangan terus melompat dan bertempik gegak gempita memberikan kritikan tanpa mengetahui hujung pangkalnya.

Firman Allah: "Dan hendaklah kamu melaksanakan kalangan mereka hukum yang telah diturunkan oleh Allah, dan jangan sekali-kali engkau mengikut hawa nafsu mereka (meninggalkan hukum Allah) sehingga engkau meninggalkan sebahagian daripada apa yang telah diturunkan oleh Allah kepadamu.

"Maka jika sekiranya mereka berpaling(enggan)maka ketahuilah bahawa sesungguhnya Allah hendak mengenakan mereka dengan sebab sebahagian daripada dosa-dosa mereka. Dan sesungguhnya sebahagian daripada maknusia itu adalah orang-orang yang jahat).

"Adakah mereka mahukan hukum jahiliyyah, padahal siapakan lagi yang paling baik hukumnya daripada Allah kepada orang-orang yang percaya dengan yakin."

ABDUL HADI AWANG presiden PAS dan ahli parlimen Marang. Artikel ini asalnya surat terbuka beliau kepada masyarakat Islam.

Thursday, March 5, 2015


Apakah dia yang paling laju di dunia, lebih laju kereta F1 malah lebih laju dari Jet pejuang?
Jawapan: Maaflah tak sempat nak tengoh, sebab laju sangat. Zoommm dah hilang.

Semua hewan jadi monyet, monyet jadi apa?
Jawapan: Jadi banyak.

Kerbau apa yang sudah dicari-cari tetap tidak kelihatan?
Jawapan: Kerbau yang hilang

Menyalak bukannya anjing, mengiau bukannya kucing, berkokok bukannya ayam, terbang bukannya burung, mengembik bukannya kambing.. Binatang apakah itu?
Jawapan: Binatang ajaib

Macam mana nak masukkan Gajah dalam peti sejuk?
Jawapan: Buka peti sejuk, masukkan Gajah lepas tu tutup

Macam mana nak masukkan Rusa dalam peti sejuk?
Jawapan: Buka peti sejuk, keluarkan Gajah, masukkan Rusa dan tutup peti sejuk.

Kalau seluruh hutan terbakar dan semua binatang mati kecuali seekor, agak-agak binatang apakah itu?
Jawapan: Rusa, sebab dia masih dalam peti sejuk.

Kenapa Superman berbaju ketat?
Jawapan: Baju dia saiz S, besar kat depan dada dia.

Kalau kucing naik moto, manusia naik apa?
Jawapan: Heran

Gajah lalu titi patah, lepas tu kambing pula lalu. Apa yang patah pulak?
Jawapan: PATAH BALIK laaa, benggang pasal titi tu dah patah.

Lima pasang stokin direndam di dalam laut merah. Setiap pasang stokin itu berwarna putih, hijau, biru, kuning dan hitam. Apa akan terjadi kepada semua stokin tersebut?
Jawapan: Stokin tu basah lah….

Aku berjalan di tepi pantai, diatas pasir tanpa mencecah air. Bila ku toleh ke belakang, tiada kesan tapak kakiku. Kenapa?
Jawapan: Aku berjalan secara mengundur!

Seekor lembu menghadap utara, kemudian pusing ke kanan 180 darjah, kemudian 270 darjah ke kiri. Ke arah mana lembu itu menghadap sekarang?
Jawapan: Ke bawah! Ia masih tetap menghadap ke bawah dan memakan rumput.

Bila loceng bas ditekan, bas akan berhenti. Apa yang akan turun dahulu?
Jawapan: Spedometer bas lah…

Kenapa doktor bedah kalau melakukan pembedahan mulutnya ditutup?
Jawapan: Kalau matanya yang ditutup, dia tak dapat melihat!

Kenapa mayat dibungkus kain putih?
Jawapan: Kalau dibungkus dengan kain hitam, siapa takut!!!!

Bila gajah jadi ayam, lalu singa jadi ayam, dan kambing jadi ayam. maka ayam menjadi apa?
Jawapan: Ayam jadi banyaklah bilangannya.

Ekor siapa panjang, ekor tikus atau ekor kuda?
Jawapan: Panjang ekor tikus, karena tikus kalau berjalan ekornya menyentuh tanah.

Kenapa di tepi rel keretaapi ditaruh batu kerikil?
Jawapan: Kerana kalau ditaruh pisang goreng pasti jadi rebutan.

Lampu apa yang kalau dipecahkan keluar orangnya?
Jawapan: Lampu jiran tetangga kita. Cobalah pecahkan, nanti akan keluar orangnya.

Kalau ditutup dia akan mengintai, tapi kalau dibuka dia akan marah-marah?
Jawapan: Orang naik beca semasa hujan

Mengapa guru sejarah selalu botak di bahagian belakang kepala, sedangkan profesor dibahagian depan?
Jawapan: Kerana guru sejarah memikirkan masa lampau, sedang profesor memikir untuk masa depan.

Apakah benar kita bakal sial jika jumpa dengan kucing hitam?
Jawapan: Ia bergantung kepada kedudukan anda sama ada anda manusia atau tikus!

Kenapa kecantikan lebih penting bagi seorang perempuan dibandingkan dengan kepintarannya?
Jawapan: Sebab lelaki yang bodoh jumlahnya lebih banyak dibandingkan lelaki yang buta.

Kalau manusia panjat pokok nampak bukit, kalau kura-kura panjat pokok nampak apa?
Jawapan: Nampak pembohongnya, Sebab kura-kura mana boleh panjat pokok.

Apakah yang berada diantara langit dan bumi.
Jawapan: Mungkin ada banyak jawapan, tapi kat sini jawapan yang dikehendaki adalah “dan”
Bila makan pisang, buang kulit, tapi kalau makan kulit, buang apa?
Jawapan: Buang tebiat

Batang apa berlubang-lubang, Tirus di atas di bawah Kembang, Terkadang tegak terkadang tumbang, celaka benar kalau ditebang.
Jawapan: Batang hidung engkaulah!

Pak Ali ada sebuah ladang, tetapi dia nak tanam 2 jenis pokok iaitu getah dengan koko. Untuk memenuhi cita-citanya dia pun tanamlah pokok getah separuh dan pokok koko separuh, Soalannya pokok apa tumbuh dulu?
Jawapan: Dua-dua tak tumbuh, sebab dia tanam separuh je. Hehehe!!

Ada seorang wanita yang sarat mengandung dan nak bersalin, lalu suami dia bawa isteri tu ke hospital. Dia melalui ladang kopi dan lombong bijih timah. Lepas anak dia lahir, dinamakan Fatimah. Kenapa?
Jawapan: Sebab anak dia tu perempuan

Kalau kancil dengan rusa berlaga, siapa yang akan mati?
Jawapan: Pemandunya lah yang mati…… kalau kereta kancil dengan rusa berlanggar….mati lah orang tu, kan-kan?

Kenapa ayam lepas minum dia dongakkan kepala. kalau makan tak pulak?
Jawapan: Sebab dia fikir nak buang air kecil tak boleh-boleh.

Zaman jepun dulu, kalau askar jepun jumpa lalaki hemsem, mesti ke pancung. Ditakdirkanlah awak hidup zaman jepun, dan kebetulan satu hari tu anda terserempak dengan askar jepun dari jauh. Apa yang anda buat untuk menyelamatkan diri?
Jawapan: Buat selamba je laa.. apa kau ingat kau hensem sangat ke?

Apakah haiwan yang berkaki 3?
Jawapan: Kuda cacat. Kalau tak cacat pasti kakinya 4.

Kenapa kebanyakkan motosikal namanya YAMAHA?
Jawapan: Kerana yang menciptanya orang jepun. Kalau arab yang cipta mungkin namanya YAMAHMUD.

Apa perbezaan antara orang kurus dan orang gemuk?
Jawapan: Orang gemuk makan tempat, orang kurus makan hati.

Haiwan apakah yang paling tidak sopan?
Jawapan: Kutu, kerana sering memijak-mijak kepala orang.

Kenapa koboi mexico kalau berjalan sering membawa gitar?
Jawapan: Takkan nak bawak piano pulak! besar tuh!

Ada sebuah laut besar, dekat laut ada kapal besar, dalam kapal besar ada rumah besar, dalam rumah besar ada orang besar, antara bebanyak ni apa paling besar?
Jawapan: Orang tu le penipu besar, mana ada rumah dalam kapal… ha…ha…ha..

Apa yang terjadi jika Graham Bell tidak menciptakan telefon?
Jawapan: Perjalanan anda tidak akan terganggu oleh kerja-kerja menggali jalan oleh TELEKOM

10 ekor burung sedang terbang, tiba-tiba berdentum guruh dengan kuat. 6 ekor burung terus terbang tanpa masaalah, namun 4 ekor burung telah jatuh ke bumi. Soalannya: Kenapa 4 ekor burung itu jatuh kebumi?
Jawapan: Kerana 4 ekor burung itu menutup telinga dengan kepaknya dan menyebabkan ia tidak dapat terbang seperti biasa.

Apa kita buat sebelum turun dari perahu?
Jawapan: Kita naik perahu le dulu, macam mana nak turun kalau tak naik dulu.

Ikan apa yang ada ketiak?
Jawapan: Taukea ikan.

Apa yang dipegang lembik dipukul keras?
Jawapan: Tahi ayam melekat kat tiang lampu.

Kenapa anjing jinak suka goyang ekor?
Jawapan: Kalau goyang punggong nanti orang kata macam Inul (Dangdut)

Kenapa ikan Yu takut dengan ikan lumba-lumba?
Jawapan: Sebab ikan lumba-lumba suka bawak geng. Kalau lawan satu sama satu, belum tahu lagi.

Kalau Haiwan dan Serangga boleh sekolah, siapa yang selalu lewat ke sekolah?
Jawapan: Ulat Gonggok, sebab dia banyak kaki lambat nak pakai kasut sekolah.

Kenapa dalam film Hulk, bila hero bertukar jadi Hulk, badan dia terus membesar tapi baju dia je yang koyak seluar tidak?
Jawapan: Kalau seluar yang koyak tajut jadi film Blue pulak..

Kenapa orang membaca yasin dikubur bedosa besar?
Jawapan: Sebab membunuhkan bedosa besar, orang tu tengah baca yasin kenapalah di kubur, matilah dia..

Binatang apa, kaki macam gajah tapi bukan gajah, telinga macam gajah tapi bukan gajah, badan macam gajah tapi bukan gajah, ada belalai macam gajah tapi bukan gajah?
Jawapan: Anak Gajah

Ada seekor anjing yang sangat besar. Anjing ni sangat suka makan dan sekali dia makan, bekilo-kilo makanan habis dikerjakannya. Yang paling best, bila dia berak, tahi dia melonggok besarnya. Sudi tak awak komgsi makan tahi tu dengan saya?
Jawapan: Kalau “Tidak”, jawaplah “Awak ni kedekut le, kita ajak bekongsi dia tak nak. Awak makanlah sorang-sorang”, Kalau “Ya”, jawaplah “Oleh kerana awak ni baik hati saya hadiahkan bahagian saya untuk awak”, kalau “Takpalah, saya dah kenyang, awak je lah yang habiskan” jawapanya awaklah yang kena.

Ada 20 ekor babi di dalam sebuah lori, dalam perjalanan ke pusat penyembelihan, lori pergi ke stesen minyak… dua ekor babi tak tahan bau diesel lalu melompat… seterusnya… lori itu berhenti di lampu isyarat… seekor babi melompat kerana tidak sabar menunggu… dan di Simpang Tiga… seekor babi terasa amat panik lalu melompat… berapa ekor babi yang tinggal…?
Jawapan: 20 ekor jugak pasai dia lompat dalam lori aje (Di Malaysia kan babi kena bawak dalam sangkar…)

Babi dan beruk ada seorang kawan iaitu tarzan, apabila tarzan mandi kenapa babi dan beruk gelak?
Jawapan: Sebab ekor babi dan beruk kat belakang, ‘ekor’ tarzan kat depan… (pendek pulak tu…)

Cuba Teka, mouse komputer betina ke jantan?
Jawapan: Mouse komputer adalah betina kerana ia memakai pad.

Seorang penggali kubur semasa nak gali kubur ada pantangnya.. kalau dia langgar pantang ni..mesti ada sesuatu yang berlaku padanya.. pantangnya..kenapa dia tak bole pakai seluar dalam masa gali kubur?
Jawapan: Kalau gali kubur kena pakai cangkul, kalau pakai seluar dalam bila nak siap.

Kereta dengan motor, mana lebih tua?
Jawapan: Motor, sebab motor pakai tongkat…

Kasut apa yang paling keras di Malaysia?
Jawapan: Kasut BATA laaaa..

Kalau 5 orang cina tolak seorang, jadi apa?
Jawapan: Yang sorang tu jatuh le..

Apa yang boleh dipotong dengan daging?
Jawapan: Tahi panjang waktu tengah berak.

Apa binatang yang boleh terbang, memanjat pokok dan berenang dalam air?
Jawapan: Ada banyak jawapan tapi yang pasti mesti 3 binatang bukan 1. Burung, Monyet dan Ikan.

Kenapa apabila monyet makan, ia suka simpan di pipi?
Jawapan: Saya tak tahu sebab saya bukan monyet, sapa yang jawap tu paham-paham laa..

Pintu ape yang walaupun dengan 10 org pun tak boleh nak tolak?
Jawapan: Pintu yang kena tarik bila nak buka, kalau ditolak tentu tak dapat.

Tukang ape yang kalau dipanggil, die menjenguk ke atas?
Jawapan: Tukang gali kubur

Apa yang waktu malam dia hidup siang dia mati?
Jawapan: Drakula

Sebuah bas membawa 30 orang penumpang. Tiba-tiba berlaku satu kemalangan, semua penumpang dan driver bas mati. Apa yang masih hidup?
Jawapan: Lesen memandu, Roadtax dan insurent Driver Bas tu.

Kereta berhenti tarik Handbrek, Kuda Berhenti Tarik Apa?
Jawapan: Tarik nafas sebab penat belari

Kenapa Pontianak berambut panjang?
Jawapan: Sebab malam kedai gunting tutup.

Apa kucing selalu ada, tapi gajah tak mungkin ada?
Jawapan: Anak kucing

Katak apa yang boleh melompat lebih tinggi dari Bangunan Berkembar Petronas?
Jawapan: Semua katak… sebab Bangunan Petronas tak boleh melompat

Bibir bertemu bibir, tangan meraba raba mencari lubang sehingga menimbulkan keasyikan?
Jawapan: Orang main seruling

Di laut merah terdapat banyak ikan jerung, kerana?
Jawapan: Kerana itu janganlah kau berenang di sana!

Apa beza kacang panjang dengan seluar panjang?
Jawapan: Kacang panjang bila dipotong namanya tetap kancang panjang, tapi seluar panjang bila dipotong jadi seluar pendek

Katak apa yang dilanggar kereta tapi masih tak mati?
Jawapan: Katak panjang umur

Ada 3 orang yang memakai payung – orang pertama gemuk, orang kedua kurus, orang ketiga pendek… siapa yang basah?
Jawapan: Tak ada sapa yang basah sebab tak hujan pon

Bagaimana cara nak masukkan 71 orang ke dalam kereta Perodua Kancil?
Jawapan: 2 duduk kat depan, di belakang baring posisi 69

Nenek siapa yang larinya melompat-lompat?
Jawapan: Nenek si Kangaroo

Perbuatan apa yang ditegah oleh agama tetapi juga dibenci setan?
Jawapan: Merogol anak setan

Ayam apa yang boleh bertelur di gunung, di gua, di hutan?
Jawapan: Ayam betina ler

Kereta apa yang tidak boleh dicat?
Jawapan: Kereta yang hilang

Kuda apa yang boleh lihat kau, tapi kau tak boleh lihat kuda itu?
Jawapan: Kuda yang tengah sembunyi

Kenapa Superman pakai “S” di bajunya?
Jawapan: Kalau pakai “XXL”, longgar sangat

Lipas apa yang kepalanya di kaki, badan-nya di kaki, sesungutnya di kaki, matanya di kaki?
Jawapan: Lipas kena pijak

Ikan apa yg banyak di laut ?
Jawapan: Ikan yang basah

Kenapa kentut kau lebih kuat bunyinya daripada kentut aku?
Jawapan: Sebab kau kentut kat Microphone

Siapa yang menemukan dompet kulit?
Jawapan: Yang menemukan dompet kulit tersebut tolong pulangkan kepada aku

Berapakah jauhnya planet Pluto dari matahari?
Jawapan: Tersangaaaaatlah jauhnya

Bila hari hujan, macam mana cara kalau kita tak nak nampak/dengar bunyi/titisan hujan?
Jawapan: Kalau kita masuk lif pastu tutup pintu lif.

Selalunya kita jumpa semalam baru kita jumpa esok. Dekat mana kita boleh jumpa esok dulu sebelum jumpa semalam?
Jawapan: Kalau kita baca kamus dari depan ke belakang.

Apa dia: ayam di luar, ikan di dalam?
Jawapan: Ikan sardin cap ayam.

Apa dia: bila kecik dia hitam, bila besar jadi putih?
Jawapan: Michael Jackson.

Kenapa hidung lembu sentiasa berair?
Jawapan: Lembu tak tahu nak kesat hidungnya dengan tisu.

Bom apakah yang tak pernah meletup?
Jawapan: Bomba ataupun kuih bom.

Kereta apa yang orang tak pernah panggil kereta?
Jawapan: Teksi.

Kenapa anjing kencing angkat sebelah kaki
Jawapan: Sebab kalau dia angkat dua kaki, dia jatuh sebab tulah dia angkat sebelah aje.

Apa binatang, badan kecik macam semut tapi mata besar “bulb” mentol
Jawapan: Semut yang matanya BENGKAK

Bagaimana nak bezakan ikan betina ngan ikan jantan?
Jawapan: Ikan betina – ikan duyung, ikan jantan – ikan bakar, mana ada pompuan nama BAKAR

Kenapa laki-laki suka berpikir dan perempuan suka bercakap?
Jawapan: Kerana laki-laki ada 2 kepala, perempuan bula ada 2 mulut.

Kenapa orang bercinta suka meraba raba?
Jawapan: Kerana cinta itu buta

Panjangnya 15 cm, kemerahan, ada kepalanya, dan kalau banyak boleh membuat perempuan naik gila?
Jawapan: Duit sepuluh ringgit

Apa sebab utama perceraian?
Jawapan: Perkawinan

Binatang ape power Karate?
Jawapan: Kuda belang. cuba kira berapa “black belt” dia ada.

Saya ade 3 kepala, 4 tangan dan 5 kaki…siapakah saya?
Jawapan: Pembohong…

Kenapa lelaki jarang kena penyakit anjing gila?
Jawapan: Sebab lelaki ni kan ‘buaya’

Nak mencari sikit punya susah, bila dah dapat buang, apa bendanya?
Jawapan: Tahi hidung

Kenapa pokok kelapa kat depan rumah harus ditebang?
Jawapan: Mestilah kena tebang, sape nak cabut pokok kelapa …gile ape…

Gajah terbang dengan ape?
Jawapan: Dengan susah payah……

Apa dia Berwarna hitam, montok, terbelah tengahnya?
Jawapan: Tahi kerbau dilanggar Motosikal